Everything has been designed so that you have full control and do not need to contact us for help.
If you do still need assistance, email us at info@bankzero.co.za or WhatsApp us on 079 221 6628, but first check if your question is not answered below.
View your card PIN
Open your App, tap on the account tile menu of the account that this card belongs to. (The account tile meu is the 3 dots in the bottom right corner of your account tile.)
Select Card > select Card Details.
Forgot your App PIN?
Send an email to info@bankzero.co.za, and we will assist you with resetting your PIN. We might charge a R50 fee (as per our pricing guide), so please make sure that you have first tried all the various possible PIN combinations you could have chosen.
Turn daily emails on/off
This is not currently directly available in the App, so please send an email to info@bankzero.co.za so that they can turn it off for you.
Banking details – where to find them
Tap name on account tile. Or choose ‘Settings’ from account tile menu (by tapping 3 dots bottom right).
Transaction history – how to view / download
Tap account balance shown on account tile. (And tap specific transaction for even more detail.)
To download account history in excel format, scroll down to point from where to download, then tap top right excel icon.
Business banking on iPhone
Currently you can only add a business from an Android phone, but once added, business accounts can be managed from both iOS and Android. (Pair your profile temporarily to Android phone to add business and upload FICA docs.)
Add / edit / delete recipients
Drag tile to Pay bubble > Tap grey ‘+’ > Populate recipient details > Tap Add.
View or edit or delete:
Drag tile to Pay bubble > Tap dropdown arrow next to ‘Select Recipient’ > Tap pencil bottom right of recipient account tile. Remember to Tap ‘Update’ once done. To delete, tap dustbin right next to ‘Update’.
Online purchases – authorisations, time-outs, subscriptions
Auth sent as phone notification, not SMS. No need for App to be open but phone must be unlocked. (If no notification, restart phone before trying again.)
If online store displays Mastercard auth screen, you have a minute to auth the notification on your phone.
If online store doesn’t display Mastercard auth screen, the notification time on your phone is short and might time-out. After 2 time-outs, store will be auto-added to your Card Subscriptions list. It will be marked with a ‘X’. If you want us to bypass you in phone auth notification process, tick store name. This is helpful when you’re not on your phone when transaction is posted (e.g. online news sites or other regular services like Netflix or an Uber tip).
Note: Card Subscriptions does NOT apply to the auths where you have a minute to auth.
Tap on account tile menu (dots bottom right of relevant account) > Card > Card settings to see Card Subscriptions. Tick/untick at will.
Bank statements / letters
Account confirmation letter was sent with Welcome email. Statements sent on 1st of every month. ‘Statements and letters download’ temporarily disabled on App – request directly by emailing info@bankzero.co.za.
How to change profile picture after registration
Once your profile is verified, you’re not allowed to change your profile picture, as this image is used when confirming your biometrics when repairing or pairing on an additional device.
ATM Settings
Card’s ATM setting reflected in colour of flower’s heart on account tile.
‘Always off’: flower heart white, card won’t give cash at ATM.
‘Always on’: flower heart orange, card used freely at ATM.
‘1 cash’: flower heart white or orange, depending on whether one cash withdrawal completed or not. Once withdrawal done, heart changes to white. When want to draw cash again, tap flower to turn it orange and ready for cash withdrawal. (I.e. real-time toggle which can only be used when card is on the 1-cash setting.)
Tap on account tile menu (dots bottom right of relevant account) > Card > Card settings > ATM options.
You can link your Bank Zero profile to multiple phones.
If no Bank Zero App on phone:
Download App > Enter cell number & ID number > App will take you through a verification process.
If Bank Zero App already used by someone else on phone:
Tap ‘profile add’ icon on top right of login screen and follow above process.
When is my card arriving
Card personalisation kicks off 9pm after your account has been funded and card costs deducted. You’ll receive an email with your unique card journey dates. Without any funds in your account, card production will not start.
How to activate card
Important, otherwise you’ll incur a nuisance fee.
Tap on account tile menu (dots bottom right of relevant account) > Card > Activate card
Multiple cards on one account
Can only do one card per account, but can open multiple accounts on same profile (with/without their own cards.
Change card delivery / collection address
Email us at info@bankzero.co.za and we’ll attempt to change this with our couriers.
Card taps
Tap on account tile menu (dots bottom right of relevant account) > Card > Card settings. Scroll down to ‘secure small amounts with PIN’ and tick to enable. Remember to save your changes.
“No PIN for small amounts”: tap your card without a PIN < R500 and with PIN > R500. Please ensure that you read the disclaimer shown to you when you untick.
“Always enter PIN for small amounts”: PIN required for every transaction. Some merchants decline small amounts with PIN – then just redo and insert card.
Child registration (under 16)
Child must have own unique cell number. Tap grey ‘+’ sign on YOUR canvas > Select ‘Add child’ > Provide info and upload birth certificate or passport.
Once done, download App on child’s phone or add their profile to your phone, and follow shortened registration process. (They won’t receive SMS invite.)
If child older than 16, they open their own profile.
Business registration – requirements
First open account for yourself, then add business via your profile. We require all CC members / company directors, shareholders and ‘ultimate beneficial owners’ to open individual accounts with Bank Zero to view the business account. Once they are FICAed, the business account will be opened.
Tap grey ‘+’ sign on YOUR canvas > Select ‘Add business’ and follow the instructions.
Business registration – R500 funding
All business accounts need to be funded an amount of R500 from one of your existing accounts. This is not a fee to us but funds that lie in the business account. (If none of your accounts have a min R500 balance, no accounts will be shown to pay from and you won’t be able to proceed.)
Who can open a Bank Zero account?
Any South African citizen or permanent resident with an official South African ID number. Proof of address
We accept any of the following docs in your name, or if you are staying on someone else’s property and have no PoA, we need their PoA and a letter stating that you reside on their property: Municipal bill/letter, Cell/fibre account, Security provider account, Rental agreement, Body corporate statement, bank statement, insurer or medical aid statement, Retailer account, Motor vehicle doc, Official SARS doc, TV licence, Subscription TV statement, E-toll statement, Traffic fine, Tribal authority letter.
Bank Zero Mutual Bank (MB0001). Authorised financial service provider (FSP No: 50870)